Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lily Today

age: 13 months
weight: 25 1/2 lbs or so
height: 30 1/2" or so
sleeping: 7:30pm-ish to 8:30am-ish, morning/afternoon naps
vocabulary: dadda (applies to Mommy, Daddy, and Lori), up, out, cheese, no, hi/hey, oops, whuzzat (what/who's that?), kitty cat (kee-keh), bottle (bah-bah), diaper (bop-pa, although occasionally she'll get the "d" and it's di-pah), bath (baa), uh-oh, applesauce (appa-saw- she said this one today!!)
fave foods: cheese slices (the individually wrapped kind), toast, cheese-toast, PB-toast, anything on toast, crackers, peas, pinto beans, sweet potatoes (if properly prepared with brown sugar & cinnamon), milk in a bottle (only at breakfast since we're trying to oust the bottle), sippy cup of water (she will NOT drink milk or juice from her sippy cup)
least fave foods: carrots, eggs
skills: walking (still mastering this skill), waving bye, clicking pens, shaking head "no," sitting cross-legged (a customer told me "she's such a little lady"), drinking from a cup, being cute
notes: she's getting over her first cold (still a bit sniffly and I can hear her coughing in her room as I type this, but it's a lot less now), she still goes to work with Mommy almost everyday, she LOVES story time at the library, Wednesdays with Deedee, and is great at entertaining herself in her superyard at work (assuming she's fed, diapered, and not sleepy)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Home, Sick

WARNING: The following post contains talk of snot, so if you're sensitive to that particular subject, skip this post or get over it, quick.

Sadly, we are not homesick. We are at home, sick. At least Lily is sick. Those snot bubbles I mentioned yesterday? They've blossomed into a very croupy cough overnight. It was getting croupy yesterday, but today it's pretty bad and she keeps getting choked on whatever is going down the back of her throat. I read on Babycenter that the classic croup cough sounds like a barking seal- excellent description. It would be cute if it wasn't so awful! We are waiting on a call from the Nurse Advice line at her doctor's office, although I'm getting pretty impatient.

Any advice on teaching a one-year-old how to blow her nose? That would be a handy skill right about now! It's gonna look like it snowed kleenex in here by the end of the day.

On the upside, she doesn't act like she feels bad except when she is coughing and choking with tears running down her face. At least we made it 13 WHOLE MONTHS before we had any illnesses to deal with. That's got to be a record. I'm guessing it's because she really doesn't hang out with other babies all too often since she doesn't go to daycare. Oh well, it had to happen sooner or later, right?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Walkin' Talkin' Lily

13 months and she's off: Lily took her first solo steps today! She was across the room from me and was holding out her arms to me, so I told her to "come here" and she took four or five steps before she plopped down & crawled the rest of the way. I saw it coming from her look and already had tears pouring out before she even took the first step. Then I scooped her up and ran outside to find Daddy and tell him the news (he was doing yardwork all afternoon). Daddy helped her practice all day yesterday- she was doing laps around the house with her blue hippo push toy for a good portion of the day. So today she decided to try it solo. See for yourself in this video I shot of her post-bath/pre-dinner.

Other firsts for the day include saying "cheese" and blowing snot bubbles (oh yeah- she has her first cold, too).